Investing in yourself is the wisest choice you can make. Attending ADOH 2025 will give you a unique opportunity to experience the joy of genuine learning, acquire new skills through strategic workshops, expand your network, and explore exciting startup opportunities. In short, ADOH 2025 offers unparalleled value for your money.
Registration Information
Registration Inlcudes
Only Registration:
- 2-day conference (admission to all sessions)
- Certificate of participation
- Lunch and coffee breaks
- Access to all submitted abstracts
- Conference proceeding e-book
- Collaborations & new social connections
- Active communications and networking with global experts in the field
- Access to the presentation slides of the speakers who gave permission
Dentist Package:
- 2-day conference (admission to all sessions)
- 2 nights hotel stay with buffet breakfast
- Certificate of participation
- Lunch and coffee breaks
- Access to all submitted abstracts
- Conference proceeding e-book
- Collaborations & new social connections
- Active communications and networking with global experts in the field
- Access to the presentation slides of the speakers who gave permission
Local Dentist (Only Registration):
- 2-day conference (admission to all sessions)
- Certificate of participation
- Lunch and coffee breaks
- Access to all submitted abstracts
- Conference proceeding e-book
- Collaborations & new social connections
- Active communications and networking with global experts in the field
- Access to the presentation slides of the speakers who gave permission
Note: This special concessional fee is for local dentists from United Kingdom. To register as a local dentist, you must present a UK passport both at the time of registration and during the conference.
Recent Graduates (3 Years & Under):
- 2-day conference (admission to all sessions)
- Certificate of participation
- Lunch and coffee breaks
- Access to all submitted abstracts
- Conference proceeding e-book
- Collaborations & new social connections
- Active communications and networking with global experts in the field
- Access to the presentation slides of the speakers who gave permission
- Eligible to participate in poster session.
Note: This is the special concessional fee for graduate & post-graduate students. To be able to register as a Recent Graduates (student delegates) must present a proof (year of graduation) from the recognized university or college for both, the time of registration and during the congress.
Auxiliary Staff (Hygienists/Lab technicians & Assistants):
- 2-day conference (admission to all sessions)
- Certificate of participation
- Lunch and coffee breaks
- Access to all submitted abstracts
- Conference proceeding e-book
- Collaborations & new social connections
- Active communications and networking with global experts in the field
- Access to the presentation slides of the speakers who gave permission
- Eligible to participate in poster session.
Dental Students & Residents:
- 2-day conference (admission to all sessions)
- Certificate of participation
- Lunch and coffee breaks
- Access to all submitted abstracts
- Conference proceeding e-book
- Collaborations & new social connections
- Active communications and networking with global experts in the field
- Access to the presentation slides of the speakers who gave permission
- Eligible to participate in poster session.
Note: This is the special concessional fee for under-graduate students. To be able to register as a Dental Students & Residents (student delegates) must present a proof of full time enrolment at a recognized university or college for both, the time of registration and during the congress.
Virtual Participation:
his option is most suitable for those who are unable to attend the conference due to their schedule conflicts, visa issues and others. Interestingly, most of the participants were utilizing this novel time saving option. We are offering an exciting new way to participate in the 2025 conference, even if you can't be there in person.
Benefits of Virtual Pass:
- All the above benefits:
- Eligible to participate in e-poster session.
Accompanying Person:
- 2-day conference hall entry:
- Lunch and coffee breaks